We want to create warm and inviting environments for our community and visitors. Our environment is often the first connection point new people will have with Ballard Church. We want to be active in inviting them to join our community.
information gathering
We want to make sure that people that people in our community are not slipping through the cracks. Each week, we gather information from the everyone present at our Sunday Gatherings in order to receive personal info updates, information requests, and prayer requests. Our two main ways of gathering information on Sunday mornings is via Connection Cards and Family Check-In Cards. Our Welcome Team oversees the weekly database entry of this information.
follow up
It is our role to ensure that individuals who are looking to explore, connect, & act within our community are being provided the necessary information to do so. This is why our follow up with visitors and Connection Cards is essential. Our Welcome Team oversees the dissemination of follow up information to our church staff and plays a vital role in following up with individuals as well.
This step is the end of assimilation and the beginning of discipleship. This is where we actively seek to connect people with opportunities to Explore, Connect, & Act. Some of these opportunities will be low-level engagement and some will require a higher level of commitment. The ultimate connection point for us is involvement in a Community Group. It is within the environment of a Community Group that participants can Explore, Connect, & Act in one environment.
Here are some ways we connect people: