sunday gatherings
The Sunday Gathering will be one of the main touch points that we have with people at Ballard Church. During this time, we have several key features to help people engage with the life of Ballard Church.
ballard information
At our main entrance, we have an informational kiosk that will include documents that will describe the various ministries of Ballard Church. This area will also consist of sign up kiosks where people can enroll in and sign up for volunteer opportunities, obtain more information about happenings at Ballard Church, and find other general sign ups.
BCreative is a group that explores the intersection of faith and creativity. Whether you consider yourself a creative person or not, the truth of the matter is that God has created you as a creative being. So no matter where you fall on the spectrum of experience in art, we are all designed to explore our own creativity.
community groups
Ballard Church community groups seek to consistently gather people together in homes and places within the community as they engage the mission of Ballard Church together. These environments provide a context of community in which to explore one's faith.